Treatment of mandibular defects includes defects resulting from surgical resections of the mandible, tongue, or floor of mouth.
Prostheses Offered
Mandibular Resection Prostheses: Mandibular resection prosthesis is a maxillary and/or mandibular prosthesis delivered after a mandibular resection to provide the remaining deviated mandibular segment improved occlusal contact with the maxillary dentition.
This can require the use of a flange, guide, or occlusal platform incorporated in the prosthesis to guide the mandibular segment into optimal occlusal contact.
Mandibular Reconstruction Prostheses: Mandibular reconstruction prosthesis is a prosthesis delivered after surgery to reconstruct continuity of the mandible following a mandibular resection.
Palatal Augmentation Prostheses: Palatal augmentation prosthesis is a prosthesis that allows reshaping of the hard palate to improve tongue-palate contact during speech and swallowing. The prosthesis is necessary in patients with impaired tongue mobility caused by surgery, trauma, or neurological motor deficits.
Prostheses Offered
Speech Aid Prostheses
Speech aid prosthesis is a removable maxillary prosthesis to restore an acquired or congenital defect of the soft palate. A portion of the prosthesis extends into the pharynx to separate the oropharynx and nasopharynx during phonation and deglutition, thereby completing the palatopharyngeal sphincter.
Palatal Lift Prostheses
Palatal lift prosthesis is a removable prosthesis that aids in velopharyngeal closure by elevating an incompetent soft palate that is dysfunctional due to clefting, surgery, trauma, or paralysis.
Prostheses Offered
Auricular Prostheses
An auricular prosthesis replaces the auricular portion of an ear that is partially or totally missing due to surgery, trauma, or a congenital anomaly.
Nasal Prostheses
A nasal prosthesis is a prosthesis that replaces a nose that is partially or totally missing due to surgery or trauma.
Orbital Prostheses
An orbital prosthesis is a prosthesis that replaces the contents of the orbital region, including the eyelids and the eyeball, following surgery or trauma.
Ocular Prostheses
An ocular prosthesis is a prosthesis that replaces an eyeball following surgery or trauma.
Prostheses Offered
Prostheses for Cleft Palate and Other Craniofacial Anomalies: These prostheses are needed to obdurate a cleft or restore missing/defective dentition in patients with cleft palate or other craniofacial anomalies. Feeding aids for infants can also be fabricated.
Fabrication of Implant-Supported Maxillofacial Prostheses: Both intraoral and extra oral implant-supported maxillofacial prostheses can be fabricated. Fabrication of Cranial Implants: A cranial implant is a biocompatible, permanently implanted replacement for a portion of the skull.
Prostheses Offered
Radiation Stents: A radiation stent is an intraoral prosthesis designed to position/shield tissues during radiotherapy of the head and neck regions.
Types of radiation stents include: Tongue Depressing Stents: A tongue depressing stent is a custom made device which positions the mandible and depresses the tongue during radiotherapy of head and neck tumours. These stents are more accurate and provide greater patient comfort than the commonly used “cork and tongue blade.”
Balloon Bolus Supporting Stents: A balloon bolus supporting stent supports a saline-filled balloon bolus in a maxillectomy defect during radiotherapy following a maxillectomy due to head and neck cancer. The bolus serves to improve dosimetry at the defect site. The stent also positions the mandible and depresses the tongue outside of the radiation field.
Parotid Stents: A parotid stent contains an alloy that shields contralateral tissues during unilateral radiotherapy of the parotid gland or buccal mucosa.
Peroral Cone Positioning Stents: A peroral cone positioning stent positions a peroral cone during radiotherapy for head and neck tumours. This type of stent is commonly used when boosting the dose to the tumour site.
Radiation Carriers: A radiation carrier is a device used to administer radiation to confined areas by means of capsules, beads, or needles of radiation emitting materials.